by guest contributor: Alison Skelton

This is a time of thresholds; we move from light to shadow, looking through the veil of illusion that separates this world and the next.

At Samhain we begin the inner transformation that will take us through the gates of death, and journey far into our inner realm of deep knowing. But we must pay the toll, if we are to walk in the womb of the underworld.

Death is the doorway; the entrance and the exit. Through the transformational power of death, we find life renewed.

And discover our true treasure, born of spirit, born of love, born of nature….

Life IS transformation, and it is not always easy, yet it is so simple: Past and future are illusion, all that is, is in the now. Therefore in order to transform our selves, and our world, we must sacrifice the tyrannical stories of the past and cease to project our self limiting beliefs and anxieties onto the screen of the future. 

This is the death we can all embrace at Samhain, and to set this intention is the task of the awakened spirit. This ego death need not be devastating, as only that which is no longer true, valid and useful, only that which is not you, can ever be lost.

If you do nothing else to ritualize this may I suggest the following simple rite? 

Take a length of black cotton thread and break it over a candle flame saying:

“On every level of my being I hereby release

the cause of any and all energies I may harbour

for whatever reason, known or unknown by me,

that no longer support the evolution of my divine creative Soul.”

Then fill as glass with spring water and speak words of love and acceptance to the water as a self blessing to cary you into the future. Drink it down and feel it connect with the water within and feed you with love. Then remind yourself of this declaration from time to time as you drink, bathe in, or see water.

Of course you can do both or either of these small acts of magic and healing as often as you like! 

Alison Skelton is a multi-disciplinary artist, writer, community builder, and teacher of sacred arts. She has been practicing divination, spiritual healing, and energy work, within the context of Witchcraft and Shamanism since her own training began in 1977, as well as performing and facilitating regular seasonal and personal rituals and sacred ceremonies. Her work empowers clients and students to develop their personal spiritual authority and creative consciousness through direct communion with Spirit.



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