The Cauldron

This is my hope for The Cauldron podcast….that it be the alchemical fusion of the witches, magicians, philosophers, and artists who participate as guests, presenters, and listeners….

Inside the cauldron is where all the magic happens.
It is the centre of the circle. The source of enchantments. 
The vessel of alchemical transformations, dreams, and visions. The cauldron is the portal through which art and magic enter the world.

Upcoming Episodes

Here is what we have planned so far for season 1…


A short teaser introducing The Cauldon audio-zine.  the purpose of the Cauldron is to explore ideas and perspectives that promote and advance the study and practice of magic and witchcraft – but usually things don’t advance without a bit of discomfort.

Witch Culture + History

Special Feature: Witch Cults of Western Europe was written in 1921 by anthropologist Margaret Alice Murray . Murray was the first academic to look at the witch trials from the perspective of religious persecution…but did she get it right?

Witch Culture + History

The Cauldron Creator Daniella Sorrentino interviews author Liz Williams about her book Miracles of Our Own Making: A History of Paganism.

Representations of The Craft

John Threlfall; journalist, writer, and black-cord priest of the 13th House Mystery School interviews feminist film-maker Rama Rau about her latest documentary Coven which follows three new witches as they discover their respective paths. You watch the trailer  Coven here . 

Museo Leonora Carrington

The First Amuseum takes us through an aural walk through of a museum of surrealist Leonora Carrington’s sculptures, drawings, and paintings situated in an old prison in the Mexican desert town of San Luis Potosi. 

The Cauldron Salon

The Cauldron Salon (working title) are panel discussions exploring contemporary topics in witchcraft and magic. Has social media reduced the practice of witchcraft to an aesthetic, or will it keep witchcraft relevant in an increasingly virtual world? Interested to READ MORE about this discussion?


An interview with the creator of on the documented history of the tarot from Northern Italy to the Marseilles deck, and its modern derivatives. 

Representations of The Craft

John Threlfall; journalist, writer, and black-cord priest of the 13th House Mystery School interviews feminist film-maker Rama Rau about her latest documentary Coven which follows three new witches as they discover their respective paths. You watch the trailer  Coven here . 

Museo Leonora Carrington

The First Amuseum takes us through an aural walk through of a museum of surrealist Leonora Carrington’s sculptures, drawings, and paintings situated in an old prison in the Mexican desert town of San Luis Potosi. 



Let us know what you think; send us your thoughts, ideas, feedback etc , or just say hello!

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